The General Education Requirements for the Associate of Arts Degree:
East Central College offers a 42 credit hour general education block of coursework that satisfies the Missouri Department of Higher Education general education model. In meeting this standard, students graduating from ECC with an AA degree and transferring to a public baccalaureate institution in Missouri will enter the transfer institution at the junior level and will have satisfied the lower division general education requirement. A student is required to demonstrate skills in each of the following three areas:
Improving written and oral communication skills; adapt and apply communication to academic and professional purposes, audiences and contexts; demonstrate the use of technology to analyze and communicate information; and use active listening and reading skills
Creative/Critical Thinking (CCT-CLO):
Improve the application of relevant knowledge and theory to new ideas, positions or solutions; assess and analyze concepts and data; formulate meaningful questions; and interpret and evaluate evidence and arguments.
Ethics & Social Responsbility (ESR-CLO):
Develop cross cultural awareness and an understanding of global interconnectedness; apply multiple worldviews, analyze ethical choices and consequences; and understand the core values and accountability of citizenship in a democratic society.
Students in the Associate of Arts transfer program may select electives to complete the 60-credit hour requirement. The choice of electives should be based on their areas of interest or the transfer institution’s specific requirements. As students consider their options, they should also keep in mind that the choice of electives is an important opportunity to transfer coursework that fulfills the baccalaureate school’s requirements for the first two years of study.
Students are assigned an academic advisor and are encouraged to meet with their advisor often. When a student has determined a major and career interest, academic advisors will guide them to one of ECC’s Pathways based on their intention. The Pathway shows the general education and other course recommendations that will best prepare students for future sucess.
If you are undecided about your major or field of interest, but you know you want to transfer and earn a bachelor’s degree, or if you are considering a career program, we can suggest possibilities for your first semester of college to help you decide.
The Associate of Arts pathways are some general suggestions of courses to complete general education and elective requirements:
The General Education Common Learning Objectives (CLO) - 42 hours
- Foundation Seminar (FS-CLO) - 1 hours
- Communication Common Learning Objective (C-CLO) - 12 hours
- Creative/Critical Thinking Common Learning Objective (CCT-CLO) - 17 hours
- Ethics & Social Responsibility (ESR-CLO) - 12 hours
Program Electives - 18 hours
Total Associate of Arts Degree- (60 hours)