Feb 18, 2025  
2020-2021 Catalog 
2020-2021 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Support Services

Academic Advising

Students are ultimately responsible for decisions and academic choices. Students are encouraged and expected to be open to developing and clarifying personal and professional goals, to keep a record of academic goals and progress, to be familiar with the academic calendar and timelines for registration, to be accountable for understanding responsibilities for transferring to another college, to ask questions and seek assistance when needed.

Academic advisors understand and are available to provide information about program and institutional requirements, the value of education and the completion of a certificate or degree program. They utilize and share the resources available at East Central College, explore extracurricular activities to enhance education and the overall college experience, and understand the relationship between education and a career path. Academic advisors provide an environment in which students can share interests regarding academic and career choices. They assist students in making course selections and program changes, are accessible to students during scheduled office hours and assist students in understanding the purpose and goals of higher education. They understand and communicate the graduation application process and refer students to campus services as appropriate.

Career Services

Students, alumni, and district residents may access the career services available at East Central College free of charge. Available services include assistance with career exploration and planning, interest testing, job search and interviewing skills, resume development, portfolio development, internships, and occupational information. A full list of services and links to career resources and national job openings is maintained on the Career Services homepage http://www.eastcentral.edu/career/9-2/. Local job openings posted on the main campus include full-time, part-time, temporary, and internship listings.


Professional counselors are available to speak with students whose performance is hampered by personal, educational, or career concerns. As needed, counselors will refer students to community resources for further assistance.

Disability Accommodations

Access Services provides support for students who have documented permanent disabilities by making reasonable accommodations in regard to academic instruction and other college/student related activities upon reasonable notice. Accommodations may include, but are not necessarily limited to, use of adaptive technology, environmental modifications, alternative testing arrangements, note takers, and use of prerecorded media. To qualify for services, students must identify themselves to Access Services and present documentation of their disabilities from qualified professionals or agencies. The request should be made at least six weeks prior to the beginning of each semester so accommodations can be in place when classes begin. Students will be given instructor notification forms outlining approved accommodations to deliver to their instructors at the beginning of each term.

Financial Services

Services to students include:

Collection of tuition and fees
Issuance of financial aid checks
Issuance of refunds
Sale of theater tickets

New Student Programming

Campus Orientation

Before the beginning of each semester, each new student is required to attend Campus Orientation. Orientation sessions are held at both the main campus in Union and ECC-Rolla. Orientation is designed to introduce students to the campus, the faculty and staff, and the many services organized around student needs. Students get the opportunity to tour the campus, familiarize themselves with classroom locations, set up e-mail and Moodle accounts, and meet many of their fellow students. Orientation is also a required component of the Foundation Seminar curriculum.

Foundation Seminar

The Foundation Seminar program is designed to help students successfully transition into the college environment, and all new students are required to enroll in a Foundation Seminar course during their first semester. Students are registered either for a one or two-credit hour section of the course, depending on the student’s previous academic experience and placement into Math and English coursework. Students who wish to explore a particular program of study are eligible to enroll in a program-specific Foundation Seminar course that may complement their other coursework. All sections of Foundation Seminar cover a variety of topics necessary to college success, such as time management, academic integrity, technology skills, effective study habits, and critical thinking methods. Attendance at Campus Orientation is one requirement of Foundation Seminar.

The Learning Center

The Learning Center, with locations on the main campus and ECC-Rolla, is a comprehensive student resource center providing academic support, tutoring, testing services, computer services and other student educational services. The Learning Center supports the mission of East Central College by providing services to students and faculty which facilitate instruction and learning, strengthen academic outcomes, and increase retention.

Hours and services may vary at the Rolla sites.  Check the website for additional information: http://www.eastcentral.edu/learning-center/

The Learning Center Resources available to students include the following:

Tutoring Services

The Learning Center provides tutoring services in writing, mathematics, biology, chemistry, and a variety of other academic areas. Degreed specialists and trained peer tutors work with students in a comfortable atmosphere. Additionally, the Learning Center has on hand a multitude of books, manuals, handouts, DVDs and other instructional support materials for student use. The Learning Center staff can direct students to appropriate and useful websites to provide additional academic support and tutorials. Group study rooms, equipped with eBeam technology and computers, are available for student use and regular group tutorials can be scheduled with peer tutors.

Computer Services

Students may use computer resources in the Learning Center for word processing, Internet connection, web-based coursework and course-specific programs. Students using computer resources in the Learning Center may take advantage of available tutorial help as needed.

The Testing Center

The campus Testing Center is located within the Learning Center and provides a secure testing environment. Students may arrange for specific course or class testing as well as a variety of other tests.

The Adaptive Lab

The Adaptive Technology Lab area of the Learning Center is equipped with specialized computer hardware and software for ACCESS students. Specialized equipment and professional support services are available in the adaptive lab to assist students with special needs.

The Learning Center professionals encourage students to visit the Learning Center and experience firsthand the many services provided by ECC to help students to academic success.



East Central College Library, http://www.eastcentral.edu/library/, provides the information, resources and services that support the mission and programs of the College. With 28,000 books, subscriptions to over 120 magazines and journals, and almost 4,000 audio-visual items (DVDs, music CDs, and audio-books) the library has a wide variety of resources that inform and enrich the campus community.

In addition to this large number of print and audio/visual materials, the library offers online resources such as electronic books, e-reference, and dozens of databases, most with full-text articles. Several specialized databases support a variety of research requirements. A list of online resources is at http://eastcentral.libguides.com/onlinealpha.

The library is also a member of MOBIUS, a library consortium which allows ECC students and staff to request books and audio/visuals from over 70 libraries.   MOBIUS includes many university and college libraries in Missouri as well as some public libraries and special libraries in the Midwest. Items can be requested online and are delivered to the ECC-Union campus within three to four days. Delivery is also available to the ECC-Rolla location.

The library staff is dedicated to providing excellent customer service. The library offers research assistance in one-on-one consultations with students or an instructor can request library instruction for an entire class. Assistance is available in person, by phone, by email, by text or online chat, http://www.eastcentral.edu/library/get-help/.


Online Student Services: eCentral, FalconMail, Moodle

eCentral is an online system which allows students to view their academic and financial records and manage their account. After applying for admission, students have access to eCentral online services. Students are sent an acceptance letter containing a Personal Identification Number (PIN) which serves as a temporary password to allow access to grades, registration (with advisor approval), schedule changes, student email, program evaluations, semester schedules, course information, unofficial transcripts, official transcript requests, account summaries, and online payments. After receiving the PIN, students must activate their account and choose a new password. This login information will give students access to all online student services. Computers are available for student use at several campus locations.

FalconMail is the primary means of student communication; students are required to monitor their FalconMail on a regular basis. Information sent to this account includes: updates on financial aid and billing, waitlist notification, academic progress, registration and other items of concern to students. For convenience, students may forward their FalconMail to another email account.

Learning Management System - Moodle is an online system used to manage distance learning coursework and allow students and instructors to move beyond the physical limitations of the traditional classroom setting. Many courses are supplemented with online components which allow instructors and students to communicate regarding course resources, assignments and expectations.